A high level U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (“EEOC”) Task Force has just released its top level findings regarding the impact of anti-harassment training in the workplace.
The task force found no evidence that 30 years of corporate training had any measurable impact upon workplace harassment.
The EEOC’s Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace found that it takes more than training alone to halt unwanted harassing conduct based upon race, color, religion, age, gender and other “protected classes.” The key says the Task Force, is to build a culture that values executive engagement in understanding the business model for a respectful workplace so that customized, interactive training regarding non-harassment as a component of a respectful working environment can take root.
Rather than a mandatory annual class in anti-harassment training, the Task Force finds companies would be better off to engage in ongoing “workplace civility training” that teaches mutual respect. In short, a major focus on the Golden Rule that we learned as kids.
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